Our solutions

We are a health innovation company dedicated to drive digital transformation of health systems at a global scale


We provide continuous market insights and analytics with timely, relevant, and curated information tailored to your specific needs shared as customized periodic reports.

  • Learn about the latest market trends in health innovation
  • Support your growth with industry specific expert insights
  • Build and expand your market watch

What we provide

Scientific Monitoring

Study protocols, scientific publications, conference abstracts and presentation, press releases

Technology Trends

Characteristics of emerging technologies in healthtech and biotech and their main components

Market Dynamics

Analysis of market drivers, restraints, opportunities, and threats affecting the industry

Competitive Landscape

Comparison of your company’s performance against competitors and strategic positioning analysis

Financial Tracking

Investment patterns and funding activity in the market including deals tracking and M&A

Regulatory Updates

Updates on relevant regulations, standards, and compliance requirements affecting the market

Why choose Vickino for your health innovation intelligence needs?

When it comes to market intelligence, the choice between a niche consulting company and a major generic platform can significantly impact the value and relevance of the insights you receive. Here’s why opting for Vickino might be the superior choice for your intelligence needs.

  • Focused research and in-depth knowledge offering a nuanced understanding of the particular dynamics that affect your sector. 
  • Customized intelligence with only relevant data for your specific business needs, which can be adapted and updated based on your growth.
  • Tailored recommendations and strategies that are directly applicable to your unique business challenges and opportunities through a personnalized and responsive service.
  • Value for money with adapted pricing and more actionable insights with greater precision.
Vickino Intelligence

Case study

A leading global biotechnology company headquarted in USA specialized in developing innovative treatments for neurological disorders needed highly-tailored intelligence insights.

Due to the highly competitive and rapidly evolving nature of the neurosciences sector, the company sought a partner to provide tailored market intelligence to support its strategic decision-making and competitive positioning.

To address these challenges, we delivered a comprehensive suite of customized market intelligence services with a focus on key trends in neuroscience research and technology, including advancements in neuroimaging, biomarkers, and digital therapeutics. This enabled to integrate cutting-edge technologies into their R&D strategy.


We provide tailored education and training courses to build capacity and share best practices in health innovation across your workforce via onsite, online and hybrid formats, based on our experience with thousands of professionals.

  • Upskill your workforce to successfully implement health innovations
  • Get essential knowledge and skills to progress your career
  • Learn from top international experts to match with your strategic needs

What we provide

Initial Education

Lectures within existing academic  Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate programs

Continuous Education

Lectures within existing continuous medical education (CME) and CPD programs in healthcare

Academic Programs

We partner with Universities to create, coordinate and deliver new courses focused on health innovation

Certificate Courses

We create dedicated courses on specific niche topics to provide advanced skills in health innovation

Master Classes

We provide our own series of short courses (1 to 5 days) on health innovation for targeted audiences 

Tailored Training

We craft adhoc training programs for clients based on their own health innovation business needs

Why choose Vickino for your training needs in health innovation?

When it comes to education and training, the choice of your provider is now infinite with online platforms. 



The most effective professional training programs are however those that are fully embedded into your own reality and that exactly match your business needs.


This is what Vickino experts have been doing for the past ten years around the world with a track record of successful and memorable content delivered in a tailored, flexible and enjoyable approach.


Case study

A leading hospital group in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in partnership with a global healthech firm requested our team to deliver a one week customized training course related to AI in healthcare, digital health and relevant clinical applications for the country. 

The course was prepared and organized remotely and delivered onsite in the capital Riyadh for more than 50 participants including hospital managers, IT administrators, physicians and nurses.

The overall satisfaction was very high at 9/10 with high recommendations to repeat the course for another cohort of hospital workers. 


We provide a suite of various health innovation audits to match business needs at each step of the lifecycle through in-depth reviews of situational gaps, challenges, opportunities, and as innovation readiness level assessments.

  • Identify strengths and gaps in your current innovation strategy
  • Discover opportunity areas for growth
  • Mitigate risks by reducing the likelihood of project failure or delays

What we provide

Market Landscape Analysis

Assess the competitive environment and market trends to identify opportunities and threats

Technical Due Diligence

Evaluate the technical robustness of potential investments to ensure their potential for successful development.

Clinical Quality Audit

Review clinical processes and outcomes to ensure compliance and effectiveness of health interventions

Digital Health Maturity Audit

Assess the maturity of your organization for implementation of digital health innovations

Data Management Audit

Evaluate your data management  practices to ensure accuracy and relevance for advanced data analytics

Business Performance Audit

Analyze your operations and financial performance to identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

Why choose Vickino to assess your readiness for investing in health innovation?


  • Unique Expertise: At Vickino, we bring together a distinctive team of specialists who bridge the gap between health innovation, business acumen, and healthcare management with a multi-disciplinary approach for insights that are both strategic and actionable.
  • Full Lifecycle Expertise: We possess a thorough understanding of the entire lifecycle of health innovation, from concept development, startup creation and investment, pilot testing to full-scale implementation. This breadth of experience allows us to accurately assess your current capabilities, identify potential gaps, and provide strategic recommendations that facilitate a smooth transition to successful implementation.
  • Global Experience: Our team’s extensive global experience spans a wide range of settings, including LMICs, high-income nations, small island states, to large, complex countries. This background equips us with a deep understanding of varying environments and innovation landscapes, enabling us to tailor our assessments to fit your specific challenges.

Innovation Audit
Paris Santé Campus 2

Cases study

In France, the LET (Les Entreprises de Télésanté), the major industry association for telehealth providers, asked Vickino to conduct an in-depth analysis of the market trends in research and funding for telehealth in the country over a 20-year period between 2004 and 2023. The results were presented in Paris in presence of representatives of the Ministry of Health. 

In France, an investment fund requested our experts to conduct a thorough market landscape analysis for telehealth to guide their investment strategy followed by a technical due diligence related to a digital health startup. 


We craft innovative strategies at each step of your healthcare organization innovation lifecycle starting from health policies, through preparing product launch, or support long-term growth through investment planning.

  • Ensure healthcare innovation aligns with yout organizational objectives 
  • Strengthen competitive advantage being at the forefront of innovation
  • Launch and scale health innovation while boosting your revenues

What we provide

Health Innovation Policies

Evidence-based strategies promoting and regulating new healthcare technologies and solutions

Digital Health Strategy

Comprehensive plan to integrate digital technologies, telehealth, robotics and AI into health systems

Product Roadmap

Strategic plan outlining the features, milestones, development and introduction of new products

Go-to-market Strategy

A detailed plan including market positioning, target audience, and sales tactics for market entry success

Scale-up and Growth Strategy

Expand business operations, increase market share, and drive sustainable growth through effective scaling

Corporate Investment Strategy

Investment objectives and criteria, asset allocation, financial planning, risk and portfolio management

Why choose Vickino to create your health innovation strategy?

By choosing Vickino, you benefit from a dedicated team fully committed to advancing your health innovation goals with precision and excellence.

  • Tailored Expertise: Our deep focus on healthcare innovation ensures that we understand the specific challenges and opportunities within the industry, allowing us to create highly customized and impactful strategies for your organization.

  • Comprehensive Insight: We leverage our specialized knowledge and experience to provide strategic guidance that aligns with the latest industry trends and technical advancements.

  • Proven Track Record: Our track record of successful partnerships demonstrates our ability to drive meaningful change and deliver results that propel your health innovation forward.

Dr Robin Ohannessian speaker at MENA Telehealth in Saudi Arabia

Case study

A Ministry of Health selected our experts team to define a long-term strategy and planning for a large scale digital health and telehealth infrastructure project involving all types of healthcare stakeholders from both public and private sector.

The project included the definition of a strategic roadmap, the writing of the first ever national telehealth regulations package, the first ever comprehensive national telehealth clinical guidelines, followed by the initiative strategic initiative implementation roadmap, strategic positioning, business model, clinical applications priorities, and detailed processes. 


We provide project management assistance to support successful delivery of innovative health projects to reduce friction, increase adoption and maximize impact.

  • Deliver your complex health innovation project with minimum risks 
  • Focus on your strategic growth activities while we drive the execution
  • Develop the best digital and AI application for your healthcare business

What we provide

Project Planning

Planning milestones, tasks, timeline, KPIs, resource allocation, budgeting and GANTT chart to guide execution 

Project Management

Daily oversight of activities, team coordination, budget management, and adherence to deadlines

Change Management

Facilitating smooth transitions, ensuring stakeholder engagement and minimizing disruption.

Software Development

Designing, coding, testing, and deploying software solutions to meet user needs and requirements.

Technology Integration

Ensuring seamless incorporation of new technologies into existing systems to enhance efficiency.

Performance Monitoring

Tracking KPIs, identifying areas for improvement and ensuring desired outcomes are achieved

Why choose Vickino for implementing your health innovation?

  • Medical Culture: Our medical and public health team’s deep understanding of clinical operations and hospital management surpasses that of generic project managers, ensuring tailored and effective project execution.

  • Digital Health Focus: With over 10 years of experience working with medical software globally, we possess a profound understanding of software needs, essential features, and user experience tailored to clinical workflows.

  • Multidisciplinary Planning: We apply rigorous and intricate planning in health innovation projects, integrating multiple stakeholder perspectives and addressing complex requirements for successful outcomes.


Cases study

Our client, a large hospital group, embarked in a digital transformation program needing a dedicated project management office to supervise the full process, management with vendors and solutions providers, as well as promote adoption and change management with its workforce. 

Our client, a dental clinic group looking to expand its services decided to embrace a digital health innovation journey by developing a digital frontdoor including AI capacities and to trust us for the overall project management of this transformative initiative including with the software and mobile application development. 


We provide impact and value generation CRO services to accelerate your market access strategy at a national and global scale.


  • Generate evidence to support your market access strategy
  • Demonstrate your public health impact and health system value
  • Outsource your medical and scientific writing to dedicated experts

What we provide

Evidence Generation Plans

Definition of expected outcomes and endpoints, data collection needs, and research pipeline

Literature Reviews

Systematic reviews and meta-analysis, narrative and scoping reviews fitting to your needs

Study Protocol Design

Research protocol outlining objectives, methodologies, design, data collection and statistical analyses

Study Coordination

Daily supervision of ongoing studies, site management, participant recruitment, and quality assurance

Statistical Analysis

Descriptive, analytical and predictive analytics for interim and final analysis of clinical trials and real-world studies

Scientific Writing

Scientific journals selection, abstract and manuscript writing, submission and publication management

Why choose Vickino to demonstrate value of your health innovation?

  • Expert Team: Our team of MDs, MPHs, and PhDs combines academic excellence with practical experience, ensuring rigorous and insightful research.

  • Proven Impact: We have a strong track record of high-impact publications in digital health and telehealth with innovative research methodologies, demonstrating our ability to produce influential and groundbreaking research.

  • Global Experience: We bring extensive experience working with leading pharma, biotech, and medtech companies, offering deep industry insights and strategic expertise.

Case study

A digital health company focused in sleep medicine requested support to develop their full evidence generation strategy to match their business development plan, to identify the adapted stakeholders to engage with for scientific research, and to supervise the definition of study protocols and data collection, leading to presentation and ongoing publication of one of the largest study in Europe related to digital health in sleep. 

Our leader Dr Robin Ohannessian also published one of the most-ever cited article related to telemedicine and COVID-19, the largest telehealth study in Europe related to primary care, the largest telecardiology study in Africa, and pioneered the integration of AI into WHO ICHI classification.  

Ready to get started?

Schedule a call with our experts and learn how we can innovate together and accelerate your digital health transformation journey.